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In our Articles and News you will find updates and informaiton about the world of music for Brands, Business and Podcasts.
Please feel free to get in touch to discus anything you find here.
Michael Coltham
7 min read
Enhancing Brand Identity: The Power of Audio Branding
How does bespoke, emotive music increase sales and create emotional connections with consumers, enhancing brand identity and increasing ROI
Michael Coltham
2 min read
Composing Music for Film: Signs and Gestures
Long before spoken language, humans communicated through signs and gestures. When composing music for film, this language is crucial.
Michael Coltham
1 min read
Sometimes I Jump of the Emotional Deep End!
When creating bespoke emotive music for videographers, sometimes I jump off the emotional deep end
Michael Coltham
5 min read
How do Videographers and Filmmakers use bespoke music to make you smile, or cry?
Music is a wonderful thing. We can't touch it or see it. We can even hear it.....and still nothing happens.
Michael Coltham
2 min read
What do McDonalds, Jaws, Old Spice and the Pirates of the Caribbean have in common?
No, Johnny Depp wasn’t reeking of an old mans aftershave and eating a Big Mac whilst being chased by a psychopathic shark….although I...
Michael Coltham
3 min read
Let’s Get “Over Emotional” About It!
What is the one thing that connects you to the best experiences of your lives and the worst? What joins the dots?
Michael Coltham
3 min read
Music is Powerful!
Music is really powerful!
I think we all accept that, but have we ever considered how powerful it actually is?
Michael Coltham
6 min read
You’re a Media Composer? What on earth is that??
When I meet someone new, the conversation normally goes like this: Me: Hi, I am Michael and I am a Media Composer and I…. Other: Sorry….a...
Michael Coltham
3 min read
Emotional Connection - The Role of Music?
What is the role of music? At Black Lab Music it's to bring emotional connection into our lives. By Michael Coltham, Media Composer.
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